От песчаной бури пострадала Южная Австралия. Фото, видео

Северные и северо-восточные районы штата Южная Австралия пострадали от песчаной бури, сообщает ABC Online. Из-за сильного ветра возникли проблемы с электроснабжением. Кроме того, в условиях плохой видимости столкнулись 5 автомобилей.

About 40 seconds after this it was on me. Will upload a video

Опубликовано Kaitlin Demaine 16 марта 2016 г.

In Roseworthy dust storm South AustraliaAll horses are fine. The one you can see made her way to the shelter and wasn't fazed by it. We have had many dust storms since the Pinery fires and thought they have all passed but then we got hit with this one to make up for the weeks we have gone dust storm free :)I was standing over by Brodies water filling it up but had to go hide by some shelters. Got the kids in the car just in time then had a panic over a girl who was riding but i found her and she got off in time and out of it. About 5 minutes of this then it buckets down and couldn't see the road ahead of me.

Опубликовано Kaitlin Demaine 16 марта 2016 г.

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